Friday, May 4, 2012

Zimbabwe's Colonial Experience

Zimbabwe's Colonial Experience

            While under the control of the British Empire, living conditions in Zimbabwe decreased rapidly. The controlling class (British) kept the lower class (natives) completely away from power. Under British control, only 2% of the Native people were allowed to vote. This successfully kept the leaders and power on the British side.

            Not only did the British keep power from the Natives, they also inflected many hardships on them. The British did not want Colonies to be united so they decided to regularly uproot the native families and even whole villages at a time. This also helped keep the natives in poor economic conditions. With the living and economic conditions decreasing civil unrest began to rise within Zimbabwe. The Overwhelming British presence began to seem less and less important to the Natives. A revolution was soon to come. Even with Zimbabwe’s rising in power British ideals will never truly leave Zimbabwe. Many lessons taught by the missionaries and explorers during the colonization period will stay in the hearts and minds of Zimbabweans for many generations to come.

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